
In the movie Blind Side the main character is a black male who is large in size and is homeless. He has to be saved by a white woman because he can’t afford to take care of himself, so she takes him under her roof and pays for all his expenses. They don’t really advertise a product; they more advertise football as a sport to definitely play. He then becomes very protective of his new Caucasian family and makes it far into the game of football. This movie has the typical stereotype that minorities cannot take care of themself and need to be rescued by someone superior like the whites. In the end the main black character makes it far in life but only because he had help from the superiors who paid for everything he had.
A link to go to for more information: and

Find your love by Drake featuring Movado, is not a good music video portrayal of blacks and jamaican's. It shows that in Jamaica the male artists own their females. Which also is a bad portrayal of women. Showing that they are objects and manipulators. In the music video the lead girl leads on the singer (Drake) and uses her body to make him lust towards her. At the end her "owner" a jamaican artist (Movado), tells her to kill Drake because he tried to steal Movado's woman. The code in this video is male dominance and male approval. The lady is dressed how her "owner" wants her to look like. There is no product placement in this video it just has a lot of stereotypes in it.

A site you can go to, to see this video is

Mass Media
Mass Media is the methods of communication used to reach large numbers of people at the same time through the use of television, newspapers, radio, internet and many more. Media impacts on youths with how they catch our attention. Since it is a known fact that youths have low attention spam, media has changed how they advertise just to catch our attention for a longer period of time. Advertisers have gone to the extreme to catch our attention by making discriminative ads and ads that affect both male and female of every ethnicity. Those ads are under media representation which is when media forms their own view on different races and advertises them in their "rascist" view. They make guys think they have to be tough, violent and extremely masculine to be respected and make their way through life any form of weakness means you are a “faggot.” They make the females think they have to do everything a man says and be an object for life or a housewife. Most times you can only find the true message behind the ads when you deconstruct it. Deconstructing an ad is when you take apart, analyze or break down a media text into its component parts in order to understand how and why it was created. Using the codes and conventions you can figure out the stereotypes of ads. Codes and conventions are predictable forms and techniques used by the media to communicate certain ideas. There are 6 major codes and conventions and they are Superiority and Domination, Dismemberment, Clowning and Exaggeration of females, Male approval, Voice over of authority, and Irrelevant Sexualization of women and girls. These codes and conventions are different for every stereotype. Stereotypes are an overly simple picture or opinion of a person, group, or thing, for example more black females fall under dismemberment and irrelevant sexualization of women and girls. Most Latin communities fall under male approval. It is not wrong to be amused by ads you just also have to take in consideration the real message behind the ads and also the stereotypes that follow behind it to. If you do not critique bad ads you are joining into the stereotype of female being objects and men are always in the authoritive position. There are many ways to gain attention towards an ad without making everything sexual because there are many people who will not take a second look at a sexual ad. Mass media creates what they think the "norm" is, and if you give into it you are not being true to yourself you are following someone else's view and not being your own leader.